Music Journey
21, Apr
Origins of Bodhran Drums
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The Bodhran drum can be traced back to the 8th century and has its roots tied into various legends; one such legend is known as the Wren tradition.

These instruments were commonly employed during wars and local celebrations as noisemakers or primitive rhythm instruments, serving dual purposes of noisemaking and grain sifting or transport. Additionally, sifters served as both grain tray husk sifters.


Bodhran drums are flat instruments made of wood with a wooden frame covered by goatskin for stability and are typically constructed using either birch or ash wood species as their frame material.

The Bodhran is one of the oldest traditional Irish instruments, but it remains unknown when or where its creation took place. Some theories indicate its migration from Asia or Africa while others contend it came to Ireland during Celtic migrations.

Named after an Irish word bodhran meaning deaf or dull in meaning; also used as an adjectival phrase meaning troubled, confused or annoyed.


Bodhran drums are traditional instruments made of goat skin stretched over a circular wooden frame and fitted with crossed bars behind its skin for stability and to act as handles.

Modern bodhrans have evolved into more sophisticated musical instruments, often including built-in tuning systems for controlling their quality of sound production.

When buying a bodhran, keep these factors in mind when shopping: height, depth and optional support bars such as T bars (cross bars or single). All of these elements will affect how it sounds.


Bodhran drums can be constructed out of any number of materials, from wood and goatskin to exotic materials like polyurethane foam and metal.

Bodhrans are an integral component of traditional Irish music and boast a long and distinguished history. Bodhrans may be decorated with Celtic spirals, GAA county colors or family coats of arms for added flair.

These drums typically consist of a frame drum fitted with one side featuring a single-skin head (usually goatskin) that allows one hand to press against its inside to control pitch and timbre.


Bodhran drums can be played in a range of styles. Some styles are traditional to Irish music while others take inspiration from non-traditional genres like Middle Eastern percussion.

One of the earliest methods for playing Bodhran involves using only your hand – this form is often known as “naked Bodhran” or “no stick style.”

A traditional bodhran drum is traditionally constructed from goatskin stretched over a frame. Some styles even tack or glue the skin in place. Today’s more advanced models boast built-in tuning systems.


Bodhran drums are traditional Irish frame drums with circular frames and heads made from goat or calf skin stretched over them.

Bodhran drums can be played using both hands and tippers; for beginners looking to master playing one there are several things they should keep in mind when learning how to do so.

First, it is important to master the fundamental strokes required to play a bodhran drum effectively – including downstroke and upstroke movements.


The Bodhran drum, originally popular in Ireland but now found worldwide, can be played using either your hand or using an instrument called a tipper, bone beater, stick, or cipin from a lathe-turned wooden piece called tipper bone beater stick stick or cipin to strike its frame drum skins.

The bodhran has become one of the most iconic instruments of Irish traditional folk music since Sean O Riada first brought it out into public concert halls and theaters during rural celebrations during his 1960s tour, making it a part of Irish musical history and tradition.

Peadar Mercier, Christy Moore from Planxty and Johnny “Ringo” McDonagh from De Dannan further refined their playing techniques during this period, taking influence from various styles of music as they did so.


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